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Girls Talk

Girls Talk

  • Author : Cassandre Davis
  • ISBN : 9781732488908
  • Cat. Number : B1445
  • Price : $16.50
  • Quantity :

Language : ENGLISH

Girls Talk

But Can She Talk To You?

How To Effectively Communicate With Our Girls 

           This book is for anyone who is responsible for supporting the mind, body, spirit, and soul of a young girl. This book is for the village members: mothers, fathers, counselors, teachers, mentors, and anyone who is trying to help young ladies grow into the best and happiest version of themselves.  Village members have been given the beautiful opportunity to help create and support another human being.  

          The information in this text will help village members and girls communicate respectfully and honestly, not out of obligation or by fear. This book guides discussions based on what our girls want and need. The role of a village member is to support our girls free of judgment and full of unwavering love. The goal is not only for our girls to feel comfortable talking with us, but also for them to know we are listening.

Cat. Number: B1445
ISBN Number: 9781732488908
Number Of Pages: 110
Size: 5.5 x 7 inches