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Maude Heurtelou

Maude Heurtelou is an educator who began her career in Nutrition and Public Health. She earns a bachelor degree from San Carlos University, Guatemala and a master’s degree from Laval University, Canada. She has worked in Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Canada and the United States.

Maude brings to Educa Vision 44 years of experience as children book author, reading program designer, curriculum reviewer and non-fiction lesson developer. During her extensive career, she has taught children and adults in and outside the classrooms. She has developed educational programs for different level of age and literacy, using culturally responsive teaching approaches in both, rural and urban areas. She has developed oral, written and visual media to develop and convey educational messages for issues relevant to education, daily living, health, survival, and literacy.

Maude had developed educational contents for the University of South Florida in Tampa, for the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, for Laval University in Quebec, for Care International in Guatemala and for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, for World Vision Haiti among others. For about twelve years, she was in charge of developing Nutrition Education materials for the elementary level school system in Broward County, covering the scopes of student education as well as teachers and parent’s trainings. She has received an award from both Governor Bush and Governor Chiles for more than 12 years of international volunteer work in Florida.

Maude is presently the Vice-President of Educa Vision, a publishing company dedicated to the promotion of educational materials in Haiti and abroad.


Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, prêtre montfortain de la Province d’Haïti, fut vice recteur aux Affaires Académiques et Scientifiques de l’Université Notre Dame d’Haiti (UNDH). Il a enseigné la méthodologie de la recherche et la psychologie à l’Université Notre Dame d’Haïti (UNDH) et au Grand Séminaire Notre-Dame d’Haïti. Il détient un doctorat en psychologie à l’Université Fordham des Jésuites à New-York et une spécialisation postdoctorale en santé mentale globale à Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Massachusetts. Il est actuellement, à Rome, le vicaire général de la Compagnie de Marie (les Missionnaires Montfortains).



Marie K. Theodore-Pharel

Marie K. Theodore-Pharel is the author of several remarkable titles, namely, I’ll Fly Away; A Fish Called Tanga; Keeper of the Sky; Daughter of the House; and One More Daughter, America. She was born in Haiti and was educated in Boston. She lives in South Florida where she teaches English.

Odette Roy Fombrun

Haïtienne, née à Port-au-Prince le 13 juin 1917, Odette Roy Fombrun est diplômée de l’École Normale d’Institutrices(1935). Elle a suivi des cours au Nursery Training School de Boston (1945). Elle fonde la première école préscolaire haïtienne en 1946. Durant son séjour à Cuba (1953), elle suit des cours d’arrangements floraux, et ouvre à son retour au pays le premier shop de fleurs : Tabou, fleurs et parfums.Puis, elle retourne à ses amours : l’éducation. Elle publie des études sur l’Éducation, sur l’Histoire, de très nombreux livres scolaires, des contes et – après avoir suivi des cours offerts par l’Institut français d’Haïti en 1999 – des romans policiers. Présidente de la Fondation Odette Roy Fombrun pour l’éducation (FORF), elle continue de mener ses combats pour le Faire-Ensemble du Konbitisme.


RAOUL BOURDEAU ALTIDOR is a former organizing coordinator with the Service Employees International Union, AFLCIO, and is currently an organizing campaign director at the American Federation of Teachers in the United States. He has been involved in the labor movement for more than twenty years. As a journalist he collaborated at several newspapers in Haiti and in France including Le Nouvelliste and Révolution. Altidor is also active in grass roots politics in Haiti. He holds a BA from Johnson State College and a Master's degree in History from Southern New Hampshire University. He lives in New York City.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was born in 1977 in Enugu, Nigeria.

She studied medicine and pharmacy at the University of Nigeria then moved to the US to study communications and political science at Eastern Connecticut State University. She gained an MA in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

After initially writing poetry and one play, For Love of Biafra (1998), she had several short stories published in literary journals, winning various competition prizes. Her first novel, Purple Hibiscus, was published in 2003 and is set in the political turmoil of 1990s Nigeria, the narrative told from the perspective of 15-year-old Kambili Achike. It won the 2005 Commonwealth Writers Prize (Overall Winner, Best Book), and was shortlisted for the 2004 Orange Prize for Fiction.

Her second novel is Half of a Yellow Sun (2006), set before and during the Biafran War. It won the 2007 Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction.

Chimamanda’s third novel Americanah, was written during a fellowship awarded by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study in 2011-2013 and was published to great acclaim in 2013.

Chimamanda divides her time between Nigeria, where she regularly teaches writing workshops, and the United States.

Moris Siksto (Maurice Sixto)

Moris Siksto te fèt 23 Me 1919 nan vil Gonayiv nan peyi Ayiti. Li te pase plis tan li ap ekri istwa reyèl sou lavi ayisyen yo tankou, Tisentaniz, Mèt Zabèbòk, ak anpil lòt ankò. Se sa ki te ba li repitasyon premye moun ki te konn rakonte kont reyèl nan istwa peyi Ayiti. Pandan lavi li sou tè a, li te genyen plizyè karyè tankou: anbasadè, powèt, jounalis, avoka lang Kreyòl, pwofesè lang Anglè, Laten ak Fransè nan peyi Lafrik, Kongo, Zayi ak Lafrans. Li te mouri nan lane 1984 akoz yon atak nan kè pandan li t ap viv Etazini nan eta Filadèlfi.

Apre lanmò li, yo te fòme yon fondasyon ki rele Fondasyon Moris Siksto. Fondasyon sa a gen pou misyon pou akonpli sa Moris te toujou swete fè pandan tan li sou tè a, ki se byen prepare epi edike tout timoun yo pou demen. 


Jean Fritz Bazin

Jean Fritz Bazin is a priest of the Episcopal Church. He grew up in Haiti and attended seminary in Puerto Rico and in Miami, Florida. His many years of ministry among Haitians and other Caribbeans and Latin Americans have led him to a greater and more respectful appreciation of the expressions of the spiritual African heritage among people of African descent.

Dimitri Hilton

Gabriyèl Dimitri Iltonn (Gabriel Dimitri Hilton) fèt Pòtoprens, senk mwa, jou pou jou, apre Franswa Divalye (François Duvalier) te pran pouvwa a ann Ayiti. Manman l te voye chache l an 1970 pou l vin viv Ozetazini damerik ak frè l ak sè l yo.

Anvan li te pati, Dimitri Iltonn te fè premye ane etid primè li nan lekòl Le Normalien epi rès lòt ane yo nan République du Libéria. Nan uityèm ane primè li, li te nan klas Mèt Anri Jan Leyon (Maitre Henri Jean Léon) ki te ba l yon prim pou premye plas nan matematik. Se te yon ti liv Alfrèd Demisè (Alfred de Musset). Se nan liv sa a Dimitri fè konesans ak pwezi. Se ladann tou li te aprann pwezi sa a pa kè : La nuit de Mai. Se yo powèm ki yon jan make l pou jouk jounen jodi a. Se ti liv sa a toujou ki vin enspire l ekri pwezi damou ak pwezi patriyotik nan twa lang : kreyòl, fransè, ak anglè. Li te fè sa depi a laj trèz, katòz, kenz an.

Dimitri Iltonn fè premye pati nan etid inivèsitè li nan vil Nouyòk, nan Peyi Etazini. An 1979, li pran yon bachelye (konsantrasyon nan chimi), epi an 1980 li kore l ak yon lòt bachelye nan jeni chimis.
Li dekwochte toulède diplòm sa yo nan Columbia University. Li kontinye etid li yo nan domèn syans natirèl nan City College, kote misye ranmase yon metriz nan jeni sanitè an 1984.

Men depi Dimitri te fin rankontre ak Iv Dejan (Yves Déjean) nan yon ti kozri Dejan tap prezante sou òtograf lang kreyòl la, nan legliz Sent Blèz nan Bwouklin, Nouyòk an 1973, li te deja konnen se lengwistik li damou. Li te fè yon bon ti tan ap pratike sa l rele lengwistik beton, men li kòmanse etid li nan domèn lengwistik la reyèlman vre nan Florida International University (FIU) an janvye 1990.
An 1996 li pran yon lisans nan lengwistik epi an desanm 1998 li soti ak yon metriz manch long nan lengwistik, nan FIU (konsantrasyon nan sentaks). Jodi a li se tradiktè/entèprèt nan yon mezon tradiksyon

Vernet Etienne

Vernet Etienne, est diplômé dans le programme de Master 2, "Spécialité Professionnelle: Métiers de la Formation, Parcours ingénierie et Conseil en Formation" et le master 1 science de l'éducation de l'Université de Rouen de 2015 à 2017. Préalablement diplômé en éducation, mention de l'enseignement de perfectionnement en administration scolaire à l'institut universitaire des sciences de l'éducation et d'intervention psychologique de Port-au-Prince (IUSE/CREFI).

Dans un cadre professionnel, l'auteur a des expériences à la fois comme formateur, enseignant et encadreur pédagogique. Depuis 2011, il est directeur de formation continue à Zanmi Lasante. Il a suivi des formations sur le dévelopement de curriculum, l'évaluation des formations, la formation des formateurs, la recherche scientifique, le leadership, management, entreprenariat et business. 



Amber Cherfils

Amber Cherfils received her Masters in education from SUNY Potsdam with a specialization in printmaking. She currently resides in Central Haiti with her husband and son where they are involved in relief work.

Mahadevi Ramakrishnan

Mahadevi Ramakrishnan is Senior Lecturer in French at Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, and also teaches about the French Caribbean. She received her D.A. in Foreign Languages from Syracuse University with an additional concentration in International Relations. Most recently, her research has centered on Martinique, and she has directed Beyond Colgate Programs for Colgate students to study the rich culture and history of the French Caribbean island.



Elizabeth Daby

Elizabeth Daby taught for two years at Institute Pratique de Bohoc in the Central Plateau region of Haiti. During that time she learned much about Haitian history and culture and was able to witness the celebration of Haitian Flag Day first hand. She resides in Hilton, NY with her husband and four children, two of whom are adopted from Haiti.

Barney Simon

My teaching career has spanned more than forty years. When I taught arithmetic in elementary school and middle school, I noticed that year after year, students had considerable difficulties trying to grasp specific concepts as they were presented. 

This led me to create "PASS MATH," in order to make it easier for students to understand these concepts by using manipulatives. 


I developed these manipulatives in the classroom in order to make real, abstract ideas. My students found the manipulatives fun to use. Their higher test scores proved that the students learned well. 


Marc Prou

Dr. Marc Prou is an Associate Professor of Africana Studies and currently the Director of the Haitian Creole Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston.


Josaphat-Robert Large

Josaphat-Robert Large est né le 15 novembre 1942 à Jérémie (Haïti).

Après ses études classiques en Haïti, Josaphat-Robert Large part pour les Etats-Unis où il suit des cours de linguistique et où il étudie l’anglais et la photographie. Poète, romancier et homme de théâtre, il a participé à l’inauguration du « Sermac », mouvement culturel lancé par Aimé Césaire, en 1976, à Fort-de-France. Il a fondé avec les poètes Georges Castera, Syto Cavé et Jacques Charlier, la troupe de théâtre Kouidor qui a pris part, pendant des années, au festival de théâtre de la Martinique. Avec Lyonel Trouillot, Évelyne Trouillot, Pierre Buteau et Michel Acacia, il est membre fondateur de la revue Lire Haïti.

Josaphat-Robert Large est membre de la Société des Gens de Lettres de France et de l’Association des Écrivains de Langue Française. Avec son roman Les terres entourées de larmes, il remporte le Prix littéraire des Caraïbes en 2003. Désormais à la retraite, il se consacre à la préparation de son œuvre et partage son temps entre Haïti et les États-Unis d’Amérique.

Carole Devillers

is a photographer, writer, explorer, caver, guide, lecturer, and has been revealing for more than thirty years the beauty of Haiti. Originally from France, she lived in Haiti for twenty years and was Reuters News Pictures’ photojournalist in Port-au-Prince. Internationally published, she has to her credit several articles in National Geographic magazine, and is the author of the series of children’s books “Anna” published by the Editions Haïtiennes EDITHA. She co-created a long-term program of exploration, promotion and preservation of the caves of Haiti and photographs the expeditions. Passionate about caving, Carole is a fervent promoter of cave conservation. She lives in Florida, USA, and is a member of the National Speleological Society and the Tampa Bay Area Grotto.

Carole Devillers est photographe, auteur, exploratrice, spéléologue, guide, conférencière et révèle depuis plus de trente ans les beautés d’Haïti. Originaire de France, elle a vécu une vingtaine d’années en Haïti et a été la reporter-photographe de l’agence de presse Reuters à Port-au-Prince. Publiée internationalement, elle a fait plusieurs articles pour le National Geographic magazine, et est l’auteur de la série de livres pour enfants “Anna” publiée par les Editions Haïtiennes EDITHA. Elle a co-créé un programme à long terme d’exploration, de mise en valeur et de préservation des grottes d’Haiti et en photographie les expéditions. Passionnée par la spéléologie, Carole est une défendeure fervente de la protection des grottes. Elle vit en Floride, USA, et est membre de la National Speleological Society et du Tampa Bay Area Grotto.

Jasmin Heymelaux

Jasmin Heymelaux, born in 1939, is a French writer who spent his childhood years in the famous town of Versailles. For many years Jasmin has been writing children’s stories which contain elements from both the world of humans and animals, in tandem with his work for adult readers. He allows us to see that his heroes’ fears, mistakes and vainglory are shared by us as well.

Jasmin Heymelaux, nascido em 1939, é escritor Francês que passou sua infância na famosa cidade de Versailles. Por muitos anos Jasmin vem escrevendo histórias infantis que contêm elementos do mundo animal e humano, assim como trabalhos para leitores adultos. Jasmin nos permite ver que os medos, erros e vanglória de seus heróis são compartilhados por nós também.

Glodel Mezilas

Glodel Mezilas est docteur en Études Latino-Américaines. Ses travaux portent sur l’épistémologie des sciences sociales, la philosophie de la culture, la philosophie politique à partir de l’Amérique latine. À la fois philosophe, politologue et expert en relations internationales, Dr. Mezilas renouvelle les études sur l’Amérique latine et la Caraïbe par l’élaboration de nouveaux concepts permettant de saisir leur spécificité historico-structurelle.

Doctorat en Etudes Latino-Américaines ( Mexique ) , Maitrise en Etudes Internationales (Madrid), Diplôme de l'Académie Diplomatique de Madrid, Spécialisation en Fonction Publique Internationale (France, Suisse, Cameroun, Allemagne), Licence en Littérature et Diplôme en Sciences Politiques (Haïti). Auteur de « Haití más allá del espejo », México, Editorial Praxis, 2011. “Généalogie de la théorie sociale en Amérique Latine”, Port-au-Prince, Editions de l'UEH, 2013. Auteur de neuf chapitres d'ouvrages publiés au Mexique, en Espagne, en Argentine. Comment, à travers leurs trajectoires historiques, l'Islam. 

Patti M. Marxsen

Patti M. Marxsen is an American writer whose work often focuses on Francophone literature and culture. Her articles, stories, and reviews related to Haiti have appeared in The Caribbean Writer, The French Review, Women's Review of Books, and the Journal of Haitian Studies. In 2008, Tales from the Heart of Haiti was short-listed for the Paris Prize for Fiction. She lives in Switzerland where she has devoted the past several years to her forthcoming biography of Jacques Roumain to be published by the Caribbean Studies Press in 2019.

Claude Moïse

Claude Moïse est historien et analyste politique. Éditeur d'un dictionnaire historique de la Révolution haïtienne (CIDIHCA, 2003), on lui doit plusieurs publications d'analyse historique et politique, notamment Constitutions et Luttes de pouvoir en Haïti en deux volumes (CIDIHCA, 1988, 1990) réédité en trois volumes aux Éditions de l'Université d'État d'Haïti (2009-2011) ; Repenser Haïti ( CIDIHCA, 1992), avec Émile Ollivier ; La croix et la bannière - La difficile normalisation démocratique en Haïti (CIDIHCA 2002). Ancien rédacteur de en chef de la Revue haïtienne à Montréal, Collectif Paroles (1979-1986), il fut éditorialiste en chef du quotidien Le Ma tin (2004-2008), coordonnateur du groupe de travail sur la Constitution (2009), représentant d'Haïti au Conseil Exécutif de l'Unesco (2009-2011). Il est actuellement membre du conseil scientifique de la Chaire Louis-Joseph-Janvier sur le constitutionnalisme haïtien. (Université Quisqueya). 

Féquière Vilsaint

Féquière Vilsaint : Publisher, Author, Lexicographer, Molecular Biologist. He is the Founder and President of Educa Vision Inc. (EVI),, a publishing company that develops and publishes bilingual educational materials in Haitian Creole, English and French. He started the company in 1991 while still a researcher at USF and later left USF to expand EVI. He is the author of 19 dictionaries and many articles in academic journals. He co-authored the first Haitian Creole monolingual dictionary.  He speaks English, French, Haitian Creole, Spanish, reads German and Portuguese. After High School he migrated to Montreal where he studied Biology at Concordia University (BSc) then  went to graduate school in Quebec City (Université Laval) and Medford (Tuft University) MA in a graduate program in Biochemistry and Biotechnology. His previous activities include renewable energy research at McGill University and aquaculture infrastructure evaluation (fish, shrimp, algae) in Haiti and the Caribbean. He later moved to Florida to work at University of South Florida (USF) in the Medical School’s Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department. There, he did research on the metabolism of cholesterol in the liver, using rat liver as a model. The basic research in the Kennedy-Keller Laboratory later lead to the development of successful chemicals to control cholesterol in humans. He devoted his time in curriculum development, publishing of educational materials, teachers training, lexicography and consultancy..

Richard J. Oliner

Richard J. Oliner is an educator and entrepreneur. After serving in the United States Air Force, he graduated from the College of New Jersey with a degree in business administration and accounting. Oliner has more than 20 years of experience as a speaker and trainer. A licensed life, health and annuities agent, he has lectured on trusts and estate planning. As a certified presenter for the violence prevention group "Rachel's Challenge," he traveled throughout the U.S. and Canada speaking to students, faculty, parents and community leaders. He has also taught hundreds of people how to start their own business as a leading presenter for The Service Corps of Retired Executives (S.C.O.R.E) He holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster with Toastmasters International. 

Richard started and operates a home renovation company and, with his wife Marlene, a health and wellness company. He has been involved in public education since 1992, teaching a variety of grades and subjects. 



Riva Précil

Riva Précil se yon fi 25 an ki chante, ki fè bijou, ki konn danse, e ki ekri liv tou. Mamzèl se yon ayisyèn k'ap viv Brooklyn ki grandi Ayiti nan mitan tout kilti Ayisyen an ki jwenn enspirasyon pou l' ekri liv fòlklò ak tout listwa ke yo te konn rakonte l' lè li te timoun. Riva kòmanse ekri ti listwa depi lè l te tou piti, apre tranblemanntè ki te pase 2010 lan, Riva te fòme yon òganizasyon san enterè (Li, Li, Li!) ansanm ak manman l' kote rèv yo se te pou yo li istwa pou ede timoun viktim yo. 

Riva pase nan lekòl pou aprann chante nan "LaGuardia School of Performing Arts" nan New York e li etidye Music Therapy nan "Loyola University" nan New Orleans.

Max Manigat

Max Manigat, éducateur de carrière, a enseigné en Haïti, en République Démocratique du Congo, et pendant vingt-trois ans au City College de la City University of New York. 

Il est l'auteur de plusieurs livres dont: Mots créoles du Nord d'Haïti. Origines-Histoire-Souvenirs, Patamouch. Etimoloji - Literati- Repòtaj. 

Il est le directeur de la publication et l'un des co-acteurs de : Cap-Haïtien. Excursions dans le temps. Voix capoises de la diaspora. 


Lou-Anne Finn

Lou-Anne Finn,  a mixed media craft enthusiast since childhood. Creating memories with collected treasures and detailed journaling for as long as she could remember is now passing down that creative imagination to her grandson. A member of Phi Theta Kappa and Eta Sigma Delta, with a degree in Hospitality Management and a Design Diploma, Lou-Anne Finn is presently the owner of Designs by Finn, which includes a craft business subsidiary named "Threads". She is a mixed media craftologist with a successful entourage of classes and workshops.  

As an accomplishment artistic dance and figure skating champion and USAC certified professional coach, Lou-Anne facilitated and taught skating classes from beginner to advanced competitive skills. She developed a training tape which is used throughout the United States and Canada and was honored for facilitating and developing "The Camp Experience" with its 2 years success. Her dream for a retirement venture is a brick and mortar facility to help foster creativity and imagination in the world of craftology to others. 

Gilbert  R. Valmé

Gilbert  R. Valmé. Chercheur invétéré dans le domaine culturel depuis plus de quarante ans, Gilbert R. Valmé réalise très tôt des études d'architecture, d'histoire de l'art et d'archéologie en France et aux États-Unis. Un professionnel dans la conservation du patrimoine culturel en Haïti, M. Valmé est membre-fondateur en Haïti de l'Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) et du Musée du Panthéon National Haïtien (MUPANAH). Il enseigna un cours d'histoire de l'art à l'École Nationale des Arts (ENARTS). A l'ISPAN, il assure la direction du Parc National Historique - Citadelle/Palais Sans Souci/Ramiers - déclaré Patrimoine de l'Humanité par l'UNESCO (1982) et met sur pied le Service des Parcs Nationaux Historiques. M. Valmé propose et coordonne l'exécution, le 12 Mars 1994, du premier Colloque National sur les Parcs et Aires Protégées en Haïti, projet conjoint de l'ISPAN et de la Fédération des Amis de la Nature (FAN). Au Musée du Panthéon National, MUPANAH, il assure la conservation de la collection muséographique. Il réalise une recherche historique sur Jorge (Georges) Biassou, présenté au Musée d'Histoire du Sud de la Floride. Diplômé en histoire de la Florida International University (FIU) aux USA, Gilbert R. Valmé vit actuellement aux États-Unis d'Amérique. 

Tanya Anne Faublas

Tanya Anne Faublas grew up in Monroe, Connecticut of Haitian parents. As a young girl she loved to draw and won three art contests (example: The American Lung Association). She earned her Master of Arts in Women's Studies from the University of Florida, and her Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude in Honors english with a minor in Spanish from Spelman College. She holds the following honors/awards: Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society and Sorority, Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society and Sorority, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and Golden Key International Honor Society. 

Georges Corvington

Licencié en Droit de la Faculté de Droit de Port-au-Prince, sa ville natale. Il commence à cultiver l’histoire à partir de 1963, après s’être essayé dans le genre romanesque. De 1970 à 1991, il publie les sept tomes de la série historique «Port-au-Prince au cours des ans ». Vice- Président de la Société Haïtienne d’Histoire et de Géographie, membre de l’Association des Écrivains de langue française, membre de la Société Française d’Histoire d’Outre-Mer, membre du jury du prix littéraire Henri-Deschamps, il continue à s’adonner aux travaux historiques et à assumer la préparation de la Revue de la Société Haïtienne d’Histoire et de Géographie. 

Nicole Titus

Nicole Titus is a writer, artist, and humanitarian born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She came to the United States with her family when she was in her early teens, and settled in Brooklyn, New York, where she still lives. Ms. Titus holds a B.A and an M.A in English, and is the author of several books such as Akin To No One, The Prisoner of Jacmel, Prizonye Jakmèl la, From Disaster to Hope/De Dezas a Espwa, Going to the Restaurant: Proper Etiquette for Young People . Her novel, Akin To No One, has been used to teach social justice at the university level.

Benoît Perroud

Benoît Perroud is a children's book illustrator, born in France in 1972. He graduated from Besançon School of Art, and has worked as the art director for an advertising company, and has written and illustrated several children's books. He has also had editorial cartoons and comic strips published in magazines and educational books. His source of inspiration for Caco was his cat Rita. 



Margaret Holladay

Margaret Holladay se yon etidyan Inivèsite nan peyi Etazini . Li te fèt nan Eta Massachusetts. Li te vwayaje de fwa deja al Ayiti, nan vilaj Bayonè, tou pre Gonayiv. Li swete retounen nan vilaj sa ankò. Margaret renmen Ayiti anpil epi li ap aprann lang Kreyòl. Li ekri liv sa a pandan li te ap travay kòm entèn, nan Educa Vision, pandan vakans sezon ete 2013.

Castro Desroches

Castro Desroches est né à Port-au-Prince une nuit de couvre-feu pendant la période explosive de la « révolution » duvaliériste. Il a fait des études de sciences sociales à l’École Normale Supérieure de Port-au-Prince et des études de lettres à Brooklyn College et au Graduate Center de New York.

Observateur attentif de la politique haïtienne, il a publié de nombreux articles humoristiques à AlterPresse, à Haïti Liberté et à Tout Haiti. Il enseigne le français depuis dix ans à l’université aux États-Unis.

Rosemary Stone

Fashion Editor for the Trinidad Express newspaper for 26 years, Rosemary Stone produced the first Caribbean Fashion Week in 1990 and has been involved in Fashion Week Trinidad and Tobago since its inception in 2008. Rosemary received her fashion training in London and returned to Trinidad and developed the first lines of mass-produced dresses in the country. She later made her mark producing the elaborate Carnival costumes designed by Wayne Berkeley.

Paula Clermont Péan

Paula Clermont Péan occupe une place particulière dans les arts de la scène en Haïti. Après des études en lettres, sciences et techniques du théâtre, elle mène une triple carrière de conteuse, de comédienne et de metteure en scène, Elle dirige le Centre Culturel Pyepoudre. Le chant de Miraya est son premier recueil de contes. 


Jacques Roumain

A critical figure in Haitian literature, Jacques Roumain was born in 1907 to a venerable Haitian family. Educated in Port-au-Prince and later in Europe, he then returned to a Haiti under American Occupation. Roumain joined other young intellectuals in a resistance movement against the occupation, which was instrumental in ending it.

Roumain and his compatriots were also avid promoters of Haitian culture and literature, and he emerged as a leader of the Indigenous Movement, which expressed the idea that rural Haitian peasant life should be considered the real basis of Haitian culture. Roumain thus incorporated these realities into his writing.

Roumain also founded the Haitian Communist Party in 1934 and was considered subversive by the President of Haiti at the time, Stenio Vincent. Roumain was imprisoned and later exiled from the country. It was during this time that he traveled to the U.S. and met the writers of the Harlem Renaissance, thus beginning his association with Langston Hughes.

In 1941, the newly elected President of Haiti allowed Roumain to return to the country. Shortly after, Roumain established the Bureau d' Ethnologie as an institution to validate the culture of the Haitian peasant, as well as Haiti's significant pre-colonial history.

Roumain died in 1944 of unknown causes at the young age of 37.

Pierre Michel Saint-Clair

Pierre Michel Saint-Clair a reçu sa formation de premier cycle à la Faculté d'Agronomie de Damien, Haïti, celle des deuxième et troisième cycles à l'Institut Interaméricain de Sciences Agricoles - rebaptisé CATIE - de Costa Rica et l'Université agricole de Wageningen, Pays-Bas. Il a fait ses études au Département de phytotechnie tropicale de cette dernière institution (1969 – 1972). 

Dr. Saint-Clair est également détenteur d'un diplôme de MBA d'une université de Californie. La carrière de Dr. Saint-Clair est intimement liée au monde tropical et aux pays du Tiers –Monde en général. Alors qu'il était Assistant-Professeur à la Faculté d'Agronomie de l'Université Laval, à Ste-Foy, Québec, il a fait un stage sur la résistance à la sécheresse des céréales à lÚniversité de Lincoln - Nebraska pour renforcer ses recherches au Canada et au Sénégal . Celles -ci ont été effectuées en collaboration avec le Centre de la recherche agronomique de ce dernier pays. Parallèlement, il a dispensé un cours d'agronomie tropicale aux étudiants du Tiers – Monde inscrits à la cette Faculté. Ses expériences sur le terrain, dans le cadre de missions à court ou long termes portent sur une dizaine de pays situés en Afrique et en Amérique latine. Les postes occupés varient : Consultant, “Program Manager”, Conseiller, Gestionnaire de la recherche agricole, Directeur de Projet, Doyen fondateur de Faculté d’Agronomie .... Il est l’auteur de plusieurs publications: articles scientifiques, livres, instruments de planification et de programmation de recherches et de gestion de projets, méthodes de sélection variétale pour la résistance aux stress (chaleur, dessiccation et sécheresse). Sa maîtrise de quelques langues et son expérience personnelle lui ont permis d'étendre le champ des connaissances accumulées sur les sujets présentés dans le présent ouvrage. Toujours intéressé par le développement international, Dr. Saint-Clair fait des consultations quand il est disponible.

Anna Cristina Pertierra

ARC Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, Australia

Dr. Pertierra is ARC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, Australia. She received her Ph.D. in anthropology from University College London and has conducted extensive fieldwork in Cuba and Mexico on the topics of consumer culture, media and domestic life. Dr. Pertierra has also contributed a chapter, "Anthropology that Warms Your Heart: On Being a Bride in the Field," to another CSP book, Fieldwork Identities in the Caribbean, which was edited by Erin B. Taylor

Stephanie Berard

Assistant Professor, Department of French, University of Virginia

Dr. Berard is Assistant Professor of French at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Her research concentrates on literature and culture of the French Caribbean in the context of Postcolonial and Theater Studies. She is a specialist in Francophone and Creolophone Caribbean theater, as well as contemporary African dramatists of the disapora.


Rosa Elena Carrasquillo

Rosa Elena Carrasquillo is Associate Professor of Caribbean, Latin American and Latino History at the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA. She has published on Afro-Puerto-Rican history and popular culture. An engaged scholar, she is also a member of the Latino Education Institute Advisory Board.

Marie Léticée

Associate Professor in the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures at the University of Central Florida.

Marie Léticée is Associate Professor in the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures at the University of Central Florida. She received degrees from the University of Paris and the University of South Florida in Tampa before coming to UCF and has published in journals such as Callaloo.

R. Scott Smith

Professor of Psychology, Utica College, NY.

Dr. Smith is Professor of Psychology at Utica College in New York. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Duke University and has significant clinical experience. His research interests primarily focus on elements of social ecology and the psychology of cultural adaptation that affect the processes of emigration and resettleme

Judy Raymond

Judy Raymond has been a journalist in Trinidad and Tobago for over 25 years and was editor-in-chief of the country's oldest newspaper, the "Trinidad and Tobago Guardian," as well as several other publications. She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Oxford and a M.A. from the School of Oriental and African Studies of London University. She is the author of two previous books, both biographies of Trinidad and Tobago artists.

Toni Pressley-Sanon

Dr. Pressley-Sanon is assistant professor of Africology and African American Studies at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. Her work focuses on the intersections of memory, history, and cultural production in Africa and the African diaspora. She has a Ph.D. from the Department of African Languages and Literature with a minor in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also holds an M.A. in Liberal Studies and Anthropology from the New School for Social Research and a B.A. from Hamilton College. She is also a visual artist who draws inspiration from her research.

Jan J Dominique

Jan Dominique is an author, educator and journalist born in Haiti, now living in Montreal. She first went to Quebec as a student, and returned to Haiti in 1979, where she taught at high schools and at the Université d'Etat d'Haiti. She also worked as a broadcaster at Radio Haiti, owned by her father, Jean Dominique, who was assassinated for political reasons in 2000.

Political pressure and threats on her life forced her to leave Haiti in 2003. In addition to "Memoir d'une amnésique," she is the author of the novels "Evasion," "Inventer la Célestine," and "La Célestine," the last published in 2007.

Tatiana K. Wah

Assistant Professor of Urban Development and Policy, New School University, NY.

Dr. Wah is assistant professor of urban development and policy at the Robert J. Milano School of Management and Urban Policy of the New School University in New York. She received her master's degree and doctorate in urban and regional planning and policy development from Rutgers University and her undergraduate degree from Brown University.

Her research and consulting work have focused on two areas: the economic development of small countries, particularly those in the Caribbean; and the global management of expatriate communities.

Molly Crumpton Winter

Professor, Department of English, California State University, Stanislaus.

Professor of English at California State University, Stanislaus, Dr. Winter teaches American literature, specializing in multiethnic literature. She is a Fulbright Scholar and the author of American Narratives: Multiethnic Writing in the Age of Realism, published in 2007. Her work has appeared in A Companion to the American Short Story: Western American Literature and in Pre-Harlem: African American Literature and Culture, 1877-1919, among other publications.

Georges Anglade

Dr. Anglade is a geopgrapher with a passion for literature who set himself the task of modernizing the oral tradition of the Haitian lodyans and of universalizing its expressions. He received his Ph.D. in geography from the University of Strasbourg and is emeritus professor and chair of the Department of Geography of the Universite du Quebec in Montreal.

Laxmi G. Tewari

Trained as ethnomusicologist at Wesleyan University, Dr. Tewari has studied Indian classical vocal music in the guru-shishya-parampara (teacher-disciple-relationship) tradition; Turkish music and Ghanaian drumming. He has conducted numerous field researches to India, Turkey, Trinidad and Tobago, and Fiji. He enjoys sharing his first-hand experiences with the musics of South and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and African in the 'teaching what you know best' theory.

Erin B Taylor

Anthropology Lecturer, The University of Sydney, Australia

Erin Taylor is a Lecturer in Anthropology at The University of Sydney, Australia. Her academic interests include urban anthropology; social stratification and classifications; poverty, production and consumption; and material culture. Her doctoral dissertation "Abajo el Puente: Place and the Politics of Progress in Santo Domingo" explores the strategies and practices that residents of an inner-city squatter settlement without legal land title engage in as they attempt to achieve forms of progress on their own and other people's terms. She is preparing a book manuscript for publication that particularly focuses on the politics of housing. Erin has published an article in Identities: Global Studies in Power and Culture concerning representations of the countryside and the city in Santo Domingo. She has also published in the International Journal of Cultural Studies on media and popular representations of crime in poor barrios, and Dialectical Anthropology on modernity and citizenship from the 1880s to the present day.

Valentina Peguero

Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Dr. Peguero received her B.A. in Education from the Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, Santiago, Dominican Republic and a M.A. and Ph.D. in History from Columbia University, New York City.

Specializing in modern Caribbean and Latin American history and culture, Dr. Peguero's particular interests are issues of ethnicity and race, Caribbean women's history, and Dominican political and military history.

She is the author of many journal articles on these subjects and several books, among them "The Militarization of Culture in the Dominican Republic: From the Captains General to General Trujillo," published in 2004 by the University of Nebraska Press.

Guerda Nicolas

Department Chair and Associate Professor, University of Miami

Guerda Nicolas joined the University of Miami in August, 2008. She was an associate professor at Boston College in the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology prior to joining the EPS faculty. She obtained her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Boston University in 1997. She completed her pre-doctoral training at Columbia University Medical Center and her postdoctoral training the New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University, Department of Child Psychiatry. As a multicultural (Haitian American) and multilingual psychologist (Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole), her research is reflective of her background and interests. Her current research centers on partnering with ethnically diverse and immigrant communities to develop culturally effective mental health interventions to combat depression, address issues of racism and racial discrimination stress, enhance the racial and ethnic identity development of children and adolescents, and promote individual, family, and community well-being. Nicolas is also president of the Haitian Studies Association.

Alexandra Magalhaes ZEINER

Alexandra is a Brazilian mother and researcher with a Master's degree in marine biology from Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada. She has worked with marine mammals and environmental issues in Brazil, Holland, Croatia and Canada. She uses water as a medium to promote healing while working as a bilingual writer and Watsu practitioner in Austria and Germany.

The Pink Dolphin's Son, a legend of the peoples of the Amazon, presents issues of culture, intergenerational respect and responsible environmental management in a readable and enjoyable story-telling format.

In the Amazon forest everything is connected and the water connects all worlds, the real and unreal. The river opens the doors of the enchanted world and only dolphins can guide humans to this magical place. Pedro is the son of the pink dolphin and his father talks to him in his dreams. He asks Pedro to rescue and save from danger the enchanted world of the Amazon forest. Guided by his dreams, Pedro will count on his family and his friends to find a solution to preserve his home and the river, where the enchanted world lies.

Néstor E Rodríguez

Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Toronto.

Néstor Rodríguez is Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Toronto, Canada. He received a B.A. in Comparative Literature frin University of Puerto Rico in 1994 and a Ph.D. in Spanish from Emory University, 2003.

Nathalie Thelemaque

Although writing is one of her favorite pastimes, 17-year-old Nathalie Thelemaque is also a videographer, photographer, and avid construction crane and calculus enthusiast. 

Nathalie’s creations have garnered wide acclaim at the Florida state and district levels. In the fall of 2016, she will attend the University of Florida to study civil engineering. Code Blue is her second literary work, and follow-up to her first collection, Misconceptions. She does not plan for it to be her last. 


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