6 Different Titles Part of the Science Collection Bilingual English and Haitian Creole.
Gen Matyè sou Tout Fòm / Matter Comes in all Shapes_x005F_x005F_x005F_x000D_
Matyè ki Kapab Fonn / Melting Matter_x005F_x005F_x005F_x000D_
Ak kisa li fèt? What is It Made Of?
Solid? Likid? Solid or Liquid_x005F_x005F_x005F_x000D_
Flote ak Koule / Floating and Sinking_x005F_x005F_x005F_x000D_
Kote dlo a ale / Where Did the Water Go?_x005F_x005F_x005F_x000D_
Those books are part of a science series “Koleksyon Syans" in English and Haitian Creole. The series is divided into six themes: Plants, Animals, Forces, Matter, Earth and Space, and Nature of Science. Each theme includes six titles to yield 36 book titles. Each title in the collection is beautifully illustrated and contains critical thinking and comprehension questions, a glossary and an index. They are also available in Haitian Creole.
Different themes of the collection:
Matyè / Matter: SP066KE $67.50
Lavi Plant / Plant: SP065KE $67.50
Lavi Animal / Animal Life Circle: SP064KE $67.50
Metòd Lasyans / Science Method: SP069KE $67.50
Latè ak Lespas / Earth and Space: SP067KE $67.50
Fòs, Enèji ak Mouvman / Force, Energy and Motion: SP068KE $67.50
The collection is available in:
Haitian Creole: SP049K $299.50
Bilingual English Haitian Creole: SP049K $299.50